Our Programs


This is one of the sensitive issues where our young minds with lots of talent are  in the street with no education no sanitation and starving for good food. Grace Ministry has initiated to care for these children and give them not only good food but also education. Earlier these children where carrying sack bag to pick waste product for their needs but now by God’s grace they have school bag carrying their bright future. Effort made to make changes in their life, let us to keep this good work of care the little ones to brighter ones.


We have given them an area where the children can come and meet with each others, in this way they can learn more and know more about each other. Here in this club they not only play or do other physical activities but also learn to be a part of a society and some engage themselves in social activity by helping the needy ones.


It’s a real unfortunate that we are facing this immense problem in our society, that many in numbers our aged ones are homeless due to various reasons, some are sendoff by their own children, some by their will because they suffer and the same is with widows. These problems are serious one which has drawn our attention towards it.  Now Grace Ministry is looking forward to bring the joy and happiness back in their life.


We have serious health issues in our Dooars area, though our govt. is doing his best to resolve the issue. Apart from it Grace Ministry has started “Health Awareness Programme” in different level. Training of leaders to reach out to each and every person, programme know as “House to House”. We have organized many health camps in tea garden areas and villages to bring awareness in the field of HIV AIDS, Malaria and other serious health issues.


Our team reaches to the places where people don’t have hospitals/ clinics or medical facility is far from their reach. Grace is trying to take a vital role to provide medical aid and first medicine. If needed with help of some resources we take them to Siliguri or Jalpaiguri for further treatment.

 Some people (patient) taken to other hospital for       further treatment :-

Name                  :- Somra Oraon

Address              :- Odlabri

Case History      :- Suffering from T.B.

Present Status   :- Cured from the dieses


After survey we have started the project for the rehabilitation, cleanliness, hygiene and also the awareness to send their child to school for education. Our effort was also to train them how cook healthy and nutritious food and clean drinking water.


Grace Ministry has started Mid Day Meal for the students coming from very unprivileged area. After a survey we found that the basic need of a human is lacking in these children. Therefore apart from education, Grace Ministry has decided to give them nutritious diet, to overcome the issue of mal-nutrition. Hopping that these may create a great change in one’s life.


We live in our family which is a part of society; therefore as we have responsibility towards family as so we have the same responsibility towards our society. Every person in a society is a child of God. There are various issues in the society which has to be taken care in at most care. Many people in our society or family are not aware of many things which are affecting their life and family and society, may be because of lack of knowledge or awareness. In this regard Grace Ministry has various programme to resolve the issue so that we can have better and healthy environment and society.


We encourage and motivate our young minds and teach them the value of patriotism. Many more activities are been conducted in year to motivate and encourage through shows and plays too.

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Hope for the Future